If Human Resources is in your job description... this is the group for you!
DL Chamber Members are welcome to join in for 45 minutes of networking! Bring your business cards, event flyers and business information. Coffee and treats provided. All employees of DL Chamber member businesses are welcome to attend!
If Human Resources is in your job description... this is the group for you!
DL Chamber Members are welcome to join in for 45 minutes of networking! Bring your business cards, event flyers and business information. Coffee and treats provided. All employees of DL Chamber member businesses are welcome to attend!
If Human Resources is in your job description... this is the group for you!
DL Chamber Members are welcome to join in for 45 minutes of networking! Bring your business cards, event flyers and business information. Coffee and treats provided. All employees of DL Chamber member businesses are welcome to attend!
If Human Resources is in your job description... this is the group for you!
Printed courtesy of visitdetroitlakes.com/ – Contact the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce for more information.
700 Summit Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 – (218) 847-9202 – dlchamber@visitdetroitlakes.com