Event Center holds 500 people for events such as wedding receptions, banquets, Christmas parties, etc.
Holbrook Farms Retreat, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity dedicated to providing all-expense paid wellness getaways for military widows & families who have lost their loved ones in military service.
Shooting Star is home to 1,100 slots, big-name entertainment, fine dining, soothing spa, shopping, 386 rooms & 30,000 sq. feet of event space.
Our camp mission is to provide a safe, enjoyable, creative and challenging camping opportunity that fosters individual growth in the areas of self-esteem, responsibility, communication, independence, leadership, environmental awareness and Christian values.
Printed courtesy of visitdetroitlakes.com/ – Contact the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce for more information.
700 Summit Ave, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 – (218) 847-9202 – dlchamber@visitdetroitlakes.com